
Good way to cut aluminium extrusion?

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I am planning to use MiniTec aluminium profiles to make a table-like structure:

I will need to cut lengths of it accurately and neatly. Can anyone suggest a tool or set of tools / jigs that would do this? Manual or electrical.

I will be using small quantities, and I don't have too much space to work in. I'm looking for a better solution than going at it with a hacksaw!




  1. Use a radial arm saw or table saw. Use a blade with carbide inserts, the more and smaller teeth the better. When you cut, cut slowly. Put a stick across the end, and push all 4 legs against the stick, and cut all 4 legs together. While the length may be off the design length a tiny bit, they will have the same lengths, and be nice and square.

  2. A chop saw is the easiest way to get accurate cuts on bar stock. It's like a circular saw that drops down onto the stock material.

    That would certainly be the easiest tool to use, specifically for this task.

    Other tools, such as a circular saw or jigsaw would be more versatil for other things, but would be hard to make perfect cuts with.

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