
Good way to end it all?

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So say there was this person who was a writer and took the oppertunity from his school teacher to write a script for a play at school.

Let's just say he worked in a very dark story and made a character in the story kill himself at the end.

Let's say that perhaps he did so because he wanted to be the one who played the character who killed himself.

Now let's say that he ACTUALLY did commit suicide in the play.. good way to end it all?




  1. No.  He'd miss the reviews of his "realistic" performance.

    Plus, the only good way to "end it all" is a) to realize it continues on the other side and b) to let the process proceed naturally (e.g., passing on in one's old age in sleep).

    For "dark humor" re this subject:

    "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson,

    "The Giver," Lois Lowry,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "Hidden Camera," Zoran Zivkovic,

    "Hope's Boy," Andrew Bridge,

    "Bridge to Terabithia," Patterson,

    "Hope Rising," Kim Meeder,

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,

    "Casebook on Alternative Three," Jim Keith,

    "Dr. Mary's Monkey," Edward Haslam,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,

    "Nineteen Ways of Looking at Wang Wei," Weinberger and Paz,

    "Strange Life of Ivan Osokin," P. D. Ouspensky,

  2. i think it's a very selfish and narcissistic way. your character sounds way two dimensional and not very interesting if he justifies suicide as a climatic end. how is that effectual? why is he committing suicide? what leads him to the path of suicide? are you doing all of this because you want a reaction out of people? if so, i would suggest writing something that makes people empathize and understand your character...unless you prefer pity. but pity is so mortal and degrading...they'll simply look at you later in life and say...yep, he killed himself....but the play wasn't very good. come on!!!!! if you want to effect people, find a better way. really get into art because you want to share your pain not just get people to look at your death!!! poser! people LOVE pain and angst and anger and seeing how it effects a person...use it, stay alive and use it to make some great literature...not c**p you brag about anonymously on yahoo!

  3. Are you seriously asking for tips on how to kill yourself? Because that's just sick. Go write your play and just keep writing. There is no good way to kill yourself, OK? And let's face it, whatever reason you have for it isn't good enough. Do you really want to be remembered as the person who killed themselves in front of everyone? Don't you realize how guilty everyone else would feel? What about the people watching you?

    However bad your life is, it isn't worth ending it. Just remember that you only get one shot at life.

  4. Is this for the play you are writing for school?? I think it will be a good way to end it as long as it goes with the plot of the play. You can't just out of no where make someone kill themselves because they want to have a drastic part in the play. Hope I've helped. You will probably explain it a lot better through IM. I love you. :)

  5. The best way would to give us his worldly life and become an indentured servant to his enemy.  Then let his enemy benefit from his lack of passion for living.

  6. The story is too simple, one writer, one actor, one solo character, one who despair and ended his own life.  My God, jee what a show and quite certain no audience. Bad ending bad taste.

    Good way to end it all is to create a revival of courage to face it with the incoming of a lady character to boost the feeling and love to a climax and end happily ever after with a beautiful dance of fulfilment..  

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