
Good way to let out anger?

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  1. Find an exercise you enjoy and just physically put all you have into it.  If you write well and enjoy that, pull up a blank word doc and write out all your frustrations ... then be sure to delete it when you leave the computer.  Some people find relief by sharing their story with other people in support groups or therapy groups.  Still others like a one on one situation to sort things out with a therapist.  Sometimes, depending on where you live, a good yell/scream outside can give a little outlet for you too  :)

  2. Run, jog...go to a works (psychologist)

  3. stand in front of your mirror and say whatever you were keeping inside you  

  4. punching bag  

  5. yell, punch and kick a bag, work out hard core

  6. Exercise helps, but doesn't stop anger.

    The best way is to mentally figure out what's bothering you, once you do this, and write it down, it will not be a problem very long.

    Also, think of solutions to the problem, and then things will improve.

    I have known people that are angry and don't know why...In that case I would highly suggest a therapist, they know the right questions to ask and will be very helpful.  Good Luck Friend...

  7. curse!

    $%#@&%$! ;)

  8. breaking bottles in a park , throwing them ....or just listen to some music

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