
Good way to lose belly fat?

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I'm not too much of a health freak, and it's only been recently that I've been a little more concerned about my health. So bear with me if I seem to not know what I'm talking about.

I'm rather overweight for my age, no matter how often I exercise. I jog for at least 20 minutes and do sit-ups until I can't lift my body up, all on a daily basis for the past three weeks. Even with that, I still have a rather large gut. I've been lowering my calorie intake, and I'm trying not to eat in between meals. Is there anything else I need to know or do to be able to lose belly fat?




  1. First point - some exercise is good, but do not do too much especially at the beginning. You want to slowly fit up your fitness.

    Calorie intake - this is where a lot of people get it wrong. There are different types of calories and the body still needs certain amounts of all of them to function correctly. Without some of them, tiredness and headaches can occur as well as other less noticeable problems. A little known trick is to eat MORE than 3 times per day. If you space out these meals correctly, they will actually help you lose weight.

    I have been able to get rid of my weight using a diet program that is available on the internet. It is good value and certainly worked for me.

  2. After having three kids I'm really fat, particularly around the tummy. So I sympathize with you.

    Unfortunately, three weeks isn't long enough to get the results you are looking for. To add to this... taking over the counter diet concoctions is only going to give you temporary relief from the fat. Everything will come back with a vengeance. (I got 20 pounds to add to the 40 I lost).

    I recently sought help from a real nutritionist/dietitian. I was told to increase my fruit and veggie intake, lower my meats and keep my starches. She showed me what my plate should look like. Imagine a circle. Half that circle is fruit/veggies, the other half is divided again half of that is meat and the other half starches.

    Next, I had to get physically active. Since I can't go to a gym because I don't have a babysitter I got the Nintendo WII Fit. Sounds crazy, I know. That's what I told my husband. However, it works. I can do step arobics, yoga, jogging, strength training and even play some games. Part of the cardio allows me to do step while watching tv. I work closely with my nutritionist so that I can actually get rid of this fat for good and not get stuck in the yoyo trap.

    I was 240 pounds when I started 2 months ago and now I'm 220.   It's taking a long time to get the weight off but it's happening and best of all, it's permanent!

  3. Hey

    If you really want to lose this fat and keep it off then you should be doing a combination of weights and cardio.  I combined these using the Your six pack quest routine.  It really helped me on my way.  There was 24/7 coaching, videos, book, meal plan, bodyweight workouts, cardio workouts and a virtual trainer.  I couldn't believe how much I got.  It was so unbeliveable I want to buy it again.  I've even got my family on this program and it's working for them too.  I found it at .  This site also has some good free info.  Also some downloadable reports.

    Good luck with the fat loss.  Don't give up.. you'll get there.

  4. Try to work your way up to two or three cardio sessions a day of between 25-35 minutes although don't push it to fast or hard right away as you can hurt yourself aka work on getting longer until you comfortably reach 35 minutes and then try another session later that day and then repeat the process until you up to three. Also try to do this cardio a while after eating to help target fat. Refer to a food pyramid or food guide to help your diet even more.

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