
Good ways to get over rainy day blues?

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I live about 40 miles south of Seattle. Rains alot here. Just curious if anyone has any great ideas about getting rid of the rainy day blues. For my kids too!




  1. Get outside for at least 1/2 hour a day no matter what the weather. That also applies to people in cold climates who can't deal with winter.

  2. I'm no mom... but I still remember what my mom used to do during rainy season in order to get rid of rainy day blues. Here's all I remember:

    1) Prepare hot meals (e.g. tamarind pork stew/soup "sinigang" in our local language)

    2) Watch DVDs (vhs and betamax during my time)

    3) Play something that the whole family will enjoy... (e.g. scrabble, 1000-10000pcs jigsaw puzzle)

    4) Teach your children how to cook? Do this only if your children is old enough.

  3. Make rainy days fun. If it is mild and raining, then put on coats, hats, wellington boots and go outside. Play with the kids by splashing in puddles, throw twigs over the bridge into the stream and watch them come out of the other side. Traffic watch, see how many cars can splash you, show kids all kinds of weather can be great.

    Make your garden a fun place to be in the rain. Help children understand what rain is by doing experiments. Also having  water level gages are fun even if this is just putting out containers to collect water to measure.

    When my kids were really little they loved the spring and summer rain, because I allowed them to strip off to their underwear and have water fights in the back garden. We used to go for walks in the rain too. Even in winter they can be fun particularly knowing there is a warm bath, fluffly towels and hot chocolate waiting for you when you get home.

    We pitched a tent in the back garden for the children and their friends a few times when a lot of rain was forecast in the summer holidays. There is nothing so cosy as snuggling down with your friends, chatting and listening to the rain fall on the canvas.

    Although now teenagers if it is cold and wet we still snuggle down together in front of the woodburner, pile up the furry blankets and listen to the wind and rain together. Having breaks only to tell stories and news, toast marshmellows and dash off to make more hot chocolate.

    Get outside when it rains, it stops those rainy day blues.

  4. It's simple. Take a cue from Gene Kelly

    I'm singing in the rain

    Just singing in the rain

    What a glorious feelin'

    I'm happy again

    I'm laughing at clouds

    So dark up above

    The sun's in my heart

    And I'm ready for love

    Let the stormy clouds chase

    Everyone from the place

    Come on with the rain

    I've a smile on my face

    I walk down the lane

    With a happy refrain

    Just singin',

    Singin' in the rain

    Dancin' in the rain

    Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah

    Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah

    I'm happy again!

    I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!

    I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain...


    Why am I smiling

    And why do I sing?

    Why does September

    Seem sunny as spring?

    Why do I get up

    Each morning and start?

    Happy and head up

    With joy in my heart

    Why is each new task

    A trifle to do?

    Because I am living

    A life full of you.

  5. For adults:

    - go hang out at the library.  pick up a dvd to watch, read magazines, look for a good book.  (some libraries have playtimes for kids so you could schedule it around that).

    - go to the mall or a movie

    - call a friend or family member you enjoy talking to

    - exercise

    - make popcorn

    - make hot cocoa

    - take the kids or yourself to a museum

    - write a snail mail letter

    - play online games at yahoo.  i think sites like Disney and Nickolodean would have some for your children (not sure how old they are, if there older they could play at Pogo or Yahoo or whatever).

    - play games with your family.

    - bake cookies or brownies

    - work on a scrapbook or photo album.

    - do some things you never get around to like certain chores or books you want to read.

    - put on some music that makes you and your kids want to dance or put on some classical or new age to relax with.

    - declutter your email box

    - start a hobby that's good for rainy days like painting or playing an instrument or making crafts.

    - remember that a rainy day is only annoying if you view it as annoying.  

    This was a great question.  It helped me get perspective, too, by making the list.

  6. My mother can sometimes have a similar problem.  She has found a certain type of light that she sits in front of for a bit that helps her.  It is a vitamin or hormone that you get from sunlight.  I know that my mother believes in the light that she found.  Hope that helps.

  7. The term may be SAD seasonal affective disorder that comes on from lack of sunlight.

    Make a point to put on the rain gear, maybe also a sweater, and get outside, even with reduced sunlight. You will still get enough filtred sunlight to correct the problem.

  8. How old are your children?

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