
Goodie goodie gum drops?

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Meow. If God told you tomorrow was the last day on earth. How would you spend that day?




  1. With my family.

  2. ahhhhhhhhh   let me think

    idk  bungee jumpin

    with   boyfriend

    answer mine please;...

  3. Pray nearly the whole day & read Qran & Spend time with relatives

  4. its impossible    

  5. eating junk food snuggled up in bed laxing out watching dvds with my hubby and 2 sons all day

  6. Very happily, if I have achieved certainty (as to some extent I have now). If I do not have certainty then I guess I will be too much skeptical and anticipating.

  7. ideally i will say praying reading quran etc and repenting but knowing myself ill prob have a heart attack as i will be very scared

  8. have fun

    and pray for forgiveness  

  9. I would tell my friends and family that I love them, and I would be spending all my time praying and saying the shahadah.  

  10. Ask those ppl I have offended,fought,done wrong etc....ask 4their forgiveness

    Do as much as Zakat(chairty) as I can

    Say goodbye2my luved once.....

    And finally Enter ALLahs home (mosque) and ask 4the sins I've done on this earth......

    Lay my head there, till ALLAH takes my soul

  11. I would try to as much fun as I can with friends and family.

  12. I would make mends with everyone and then get drunk

  13. Worshipping, asking for forgiveness from everyone.

  14. I would crazy try to do many good deeds as possible.  

  15. Pray To Allah (swt) For Forgiveness..

  16. I would worship Allah as much as possible, and ask everyone for forgiveness. Also, I would be scared, to tell you the truth.

    Your sister,

    Jee Jee

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