
Goody Bag Ideas?

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My daughter is a 2nd grader and turning 8 next weekend. She's having a slumber party and wants a 'spa' theme- so we're doing pedicures and manicures for the girls. I'm trying to keep things as low cost as possible. What are some inexpensive ideas of things I could put into the goody bags that would be age appropriate?




  1. HOw about:

    -small bottle of nail polish each

    -lip balm/chap stick

    -little bottle of body lotion

    -little bottle of bath soap

    -small scrubby

    -candy as a filler

    Bet you can find all of this at either a dollar store or Walmart.


  2. you can give them nail polish, nail files, bath fizzies, etc

    things that are small and cheap and go along with the theme of the party

  3. I love your theme idea. Here are some suggestions for the goody bags:

    Mini bottles of nail polish for girls (they sell a line in Toys R Us that are for kids, and you can split a set up for the goody bags)

    Get some flip flops and lots of ribbon for the girls to cut up and decorate - to show off their newly polished toes. They did this in Family Fun magazine, so have a look on their website for the project info.

    Eye masks that they can decorate themselves with fabric paints

    Hair accessories

    Emery boards

    Hand lotion

    Scented lip gloss (Smackers)

    Cute hand towel

    Pedicure toe spacer

    Nail stickers

    Loofah sponge or body poof for soap (at the dollar store)

    Bubble bath

    You can put everything into a mini cosmetic bag (check your local dollar store) and tag each one with the girl's name on each. Alternatively, you can make a bag by sewing a handtowel into a pouch and tying the top with a ribbon.

    Good luck and have a great time!

  4. All of the beauty items in the dollar store.  Nail polish, nail files, brushes, combs, sparkly lip gloss etc.  I would put it in a little make up bag, instead of a party bag.

  5. you can buy a make-up set which i think there are some which are inexpensive.don't forget to add shimmers.little girls love those.they'll think themselves as fairies.

  6. lotion samples

    mini bottles of perfume

    kids nail polish cotton balls

    if you do make up, be careful, some of the cheaper stuff has been known to have harmful chemicals

    those tiny brushes for their hair

    barrettes and clips

  7. Play make-up in rather inexpensive, esp if you buy it at a dollar store. Also, get some pretty/glittery nail polishes. Maybe some hair clips, brushes, and combs, too. And, if you can find some shimmery lipgloss, you could throw one or two of those in each bag.
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