
Goody bags for cheerleaders!?

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I'm a high school varsity cheerleader and we have to help the little league cheerleaders. i promised them if they did good then i would give them goodie bags. but i don't know what to put in there. i know candy but idk what else. and what to put on the goodie bags. we are the pirates if that helps.( the girls are in 1st and 2nd grade). ps i dont want like rubber band to remember to stretch blah blah blah...cuz they wont get it




  1.  Haha i'm having that same problem right now! I also agree that my girls wouldnt understand the strthching thing either. In my bags I thought that maybe you could get like a little poem or something and type it up to put in it....go on google and type in Goodbye from our coaches is really cute... also i am making cookies and putting their names on them and of course i am putting in some stickers.they love them soooo much...also try making up individual awards for them like best facials highest jumps best tumbler stuff like that you can find a bunch of categories off of yahoo ansswers and other blog sites and if you do that try making up funny names for them they will like it better ( best facials-funky face award)...hope I help!

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