
Goofy/Regular Skateboarding?

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Well ...The way I skateboarding is Goofy.

Does it make a difference which way you skateboard?




  1. It doesn't matter how you skateboard, it all depends on how you feel comfortable on the snowboard. I snowboard goofy and skateboard regular. When I started snowboarding, I first tried regular, but it didn't work for me, so then I started riding goofy. Just try it out and see what fits you. Remember to try both sides before you decide. It's actually good to be really good on one side, but to still be able to board on the other, so you don't kill yourself if you find yourself unable to switch back.

  2. You gotta do what feels good, I know kids that sk8 reg and snowboard goofy, its all personal preference. Do what feels right

  3. No, it doesn't make a difference.  Only difference is that you will do things reverse of regular.  Like your frontside is their backside.  But same skills are used.

  4. No, ride the way that feels better to you.  Most people will prefer one over the other.  If you skate goofy, you will likely prefer to snowboard, wakeboard, and surf goofy too.

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