
Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera,IE who could win the browser battle?

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I have look at many web browsers and So far I think that Firefox will win the browser battle. I think that Internet Explorer has more clients because they are afraid to use other web browsers. I think that IF people use others like Firefox, Safari, Or opera they would be happier. The reason being is because, they would spend less time fixing their computer and more time using the internet.

Another think is that for windows to work correctly it requires internet explorer to be installed. Other wise updates do not happen at all an that is g*y.

Those any one know if Safari works the same way as IE.

So who do you think will win.

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  1. In spite of all the hype about "chrome" I still think Firefox is winning the battle. Tell you what, though. I use them all. Hardly ever use IE (bleah!)

    On my Windows machines, I use Firefox. Safari and Opera are there, ready and at the waiting.

    On my Mac, I go 2/5 Safari and 2/5 Firefox and 1/5 Opera. Safari is danged quick and Firefox is loaded with so many tools danged important to my website development. Opera is entirely faithful to web language standards.

    I have to use ALL of them to develop websites. So there.

  2. The fact you are willing to call the uneducated public "g*y" is in itself childish.  They are not about to switch over because you are calling them names.  You must be a twit to think otherwise.   Facts, facts, facts and ease of use, install and switch over all matter.   I tried chrome,  in 30 seconds I was out of there.  Too hard on my head.  I tried Opera, hung in and finally figured it out.  But it was eating memory.  Bye bye.

  3. I like Opera.

  4. Firefox and Google Chrome for the ones who actually care about their computer ;]

    Internet Explorer if your a complete moron who physically cannot download anything else

    Safari if you use a Mac

    Tbh you're right, Firefox is still the winner, but Chrome Beta v2 is going to be interesting.

  5. I haven't tried Chrome yet, but Opera is currently the most W3C-compliant browser (other than Chrome, possibly).  IE is about the least compliant, but the majority of computer users can't fine the "any" key, so they use what comes on the computer.  Firefox is probably the best browser available, but you need an IQ (at least 1 digit) to use it.

    I think IE will keep the majority of market share.  (You can never lose by betting on the stupidity of the public.  I forget who said it, but it's still true.)

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