
Google earth strange structure in greenland?

by Guest21230  |  earlier

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I know this question has been asked before but there were no good answers. Does anyone have a clue? It seems to be 50 miles long and 13 miles high




  1. I think it is an artifact from how the montage of photos is stitched together - as there isn't much variation in the ice field, and pictures are taken at various times depending on cloud cover, there are lines that show up in google earth that aren't really there, and the straight line along the tan ridge in the middle is joining pictures from different times of the year - the ridge is covered in snow on one frame, while the other it is not.  That makes it look 'artificial' but it is because of the multiple photos used to create the finished 'Greenland'...

  2. Got Google Earth booting up...will look and tell you what I see.

    OK, I looked at it, and the nearest point that has a description says it is "Die kältesten Orte der Welt - Eismitte".  I can't tell exactly, but it doesn't look like an actual structure, more like a graphic that has been placed over something so that it can't be viewed by satellite.

  3. No geographic feature is 13 miles high.  Mt. Everest is about 30,000 ft high, which is about 6 miles above sea level.

  4. Near what town?

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