
Googlemail page quote of the day. PV...... The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up!?

by Guest34292  |  earlier

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What do you think he means by that?




  1. Dreaming is a passive activity, making it happen is active, it is not enough to dream, you have to do as well, therefore you have to wake up

  2. You could never make my dreams come true.

    I see what he means: get up off your bum and live your life.

    My dreams involve David Bowie and a large tub of chocolate ice cream. If I woke up it will be totally spoiled!

  3. dreaming is easy but to make them eb the truth,you have to get up from luxury,work hard 2 make them come true.

  4. Means you have to get up and chase your dreams not lie back and do nothing

  5. Yes, I saw this message on a t-shirt. long back. It is nice.

  6. Daydreaming instead  of action.

  7. instead of dreaming your dreams, hes saying to get up and take the path that will make your dreams come true and not to lie around all day...

  8. The best way to dream, is to go to sleep!

    (Meanings,  notwithstanding!)

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