
Gordan Ramsey has now attacked vegetarians. Why is he a foul mouthed piece of scum?

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and does anyone cook his meals?




  1. He does it for ratings.

  2. i never liked time...

  3. Who cares what Ramsey says or thinks? I mean really. The guy is entitled to an opinion just like anybody else is. Where did he attack vegetarians anyways? What did he say?

    I've never cooked any of his meals.

  4. Well,the thing with us veggies,it takes chefs a lot of thought to cook for us,and in my experience,they are just scared to cook proper food and,also they hate people who don't use salt,milk,cheese,eggs etc.

    My hubby has high blood pressure and cant have salt,but i wont have salt in house anyway,as good food shouldn't be poisoned with salt etc.

    That's why all these chefs use salt to make their food taste of "something" .lol

    I just heard it on the news on BBC radio 2 about Gordon,i think its silly,and I'm always telling him he is narrow minded about veggie meals.,and i tell him he wont cook them as he wouldn't have patience to read the ingredients on labels to see if they are veg*n friendly etc.

    Yep,i do know Gordon,i adore him out of the kitchen,hes a different guy,but very anal in the kitchen .lol

  5. In order to protect your own opinions you have to let others have theirs.  

    Oh, you do need salt in your diet. You bodily fluids are saline.  Like your tears and sweat and other water in your body.  So if you have NO salt in your diet I would only imagine that must not be good.  

    I also don't think a chef will have a hard time to cook for a veg.  Veggies are a part of a proper meal.  

    I think most vegetarians have an over inflated sense of self worth.  You are human like anyone else.  It is a diet for crying out loud.  Again, you have to give respect in order to be respected.

  6. He's had a bad attitude toward vegetarians for a long time now.  But I think he's annoyed at everyone and annoying to everyone.

    Just because someone chooses not to eat squab or shrimp risotto, doesn't mean they should be put down upon.  This guy is obviously an a**hole only out to serve his own inflated ego.

    No, I don't think anyone cooks his meals and I doubt he actually cooks in his restaurants anymore.

    I'm waiting to hear about his untimely death from a heart attack.  

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