
Gordan ramsay yes please or no thanks?

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Gordan ramsay yes please or no thanks?




  1. Think he's great but would hate to be on the end of one of his tirades


    and what has this to do with "dining out"?

  3. Well there is no doubting he is a talented chef....but as a man manager its a wonder no one has stabbed him with his very expensive kitchen knives.....he must be the worst example of leadership I have ever seen.

  4. read his book and it changes the whole way you look at him, brilliant - like him more now ive read his past and seen where he came from and how hard he worked, still arrogant but think thats probably what helped him get where he is today!

  5. Anybody thought about his last programme in the vegetarian restaurant in Paris. Great theatre and shame he didn't end up buying the little restaurant from the Father, and let India stay there and run it. But good he took her in for training, hope we find out how she gets on.

    As for his little lunch time session, he says he took around 450 euros in something like 2.5 hours. Well that works out at about 70 covers, 28 1st hour, 27 second hour and 15 for the last half hour, plus a few tips.

    So how come he could not only cook and serve, but how could he also make up more fresh soup, after he had used up the one saucepan he prepared earlier. And how did he have the common sense to have ordered over 75 croissants in advance. I know he's a great guy but something is not ringing true - did he have any help?

  6. No thanks!

    Totally over rated. He's only a chef for goodness sake!

    His behaviour is not a good example to younger people either. We need to decide if whether bullying is ok or not!

  7. Yes his programmes and interesting and I enjoy them

    No to all his swearing as it really isn't necessary

  8. no thank he not nice one bit

  9. oh yes please,i wouldnt mind him on my menu yummy yummy his eyes are sooooooooooo blue



  11. his food is good

    his behaviour..not

  12. No thanks,if he spoke to me like that i'd end up giving him a slap !

  13. Yes to his food - his restaurants are fantastic.

    Yes to him when he's not acting.

    No to the TV persona he puts on.

  14. I assume his food is food

    his looks not very attractive and his behaviour is even worst.

  15. Gordon Ramsey is God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He is a real chef in every shape and form and full of passion for what he does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What you see is what you get, and kitchen behavour is and always be like that.

  16. "h**l's Kitchen" is lame. His resta rehab show is pretty cool.

    GR is a big baby, but I've gained some respect for him after seeing him on various talk shows.

    I am a line-cook, and I would have no inclination to work for him. I've worked for one executive chef who is just like

    ol' Gordo; it sucks! A really good exec treats his cooks

    with respect and makes them better cooks. Some cooks are morons however, so I understand some of his behavior.

    I love it on HK when he rags on guests. Tooo funny!!

    So...I'll say yes [no please] with caution.

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