
Gorden Brown and his corrupt Government have failed the people, should we demand a General Election?

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then please star and lets get a bush fire going then maybe someone will see the support for this and do something.




  1. You can demand till you are blue in face....but governments are elected for 5 years.

  2. Yes.2 votes Tory,1 vote BNP-collude with family and friends. Form groups and get close to one another. Prepare for the hardship ahead. It's our country,our money and our vote. Boycott gas for 3 months while its warm. We need to organise and fight back with discipline. I know I could go without gas for 3 months. No demand,prices will fall and give them something to think about. Boycott Tesco and asda, support Netto,aldi and lidl. Got to rupture the net they've got us in. Direct line,Churchill,Tesco,Lloyds insurance are all underwritten by Royal Bank of Scotland. You think you got 3 seperate quotes but they are all the same company essentially. We go like lambs to the slaughter. We need to see the finance houses and this government as leeches,sucking us dry. We are paying for American mistakes in the housing market-Northern Rock-now tax payers are proping up the American banks. Clever ba$tard$.


  4. No, we should demand a refund.

  5. Go and spout your Tory propaganda elsewere,anyone with a modicum of intelligence can spot your game fella !!

  6. Please state your evidence so that we can respond to your concerns.

  7. Yes-then people will se what an even bigger mess conservative make of this country and start voting properly again.

  8. The so called listeners have got their ears full of the swill from the trough.

    They can't hear anything.

  9. There is only one person in the country who can stand down a parliament and ask the people to vote for a new one, that is our Queen, she takes an oath at her coronation to honour and defend our Constitution, but she together with our government have committed 'high treason', so I think she will ignore our plea, don't you?

  10. It may seem a minor thing but if you want to be taken seriously you'll have to learn to spell.

  11. I don't see how this unelected, unwanted idiot can be allowed to continue ruining the country.

    This government is just rotten.

  12. Calling the Government corrupt is a drastic claim as you are comparing them to previous and present corrupt Governments & dictators namely n***s,Amin,Pol Pot and Mugabi.They have made errors but to call them corupt is wrong.(Not a Labour voter)

  13. We could have said the same about John Major in the mid 1990s, but Yahoo Answers wasn't around for people like you to vent your spleen.

  14. Absolutely yes.

  15. They will not go untill they have filled their pockets they are as corrupt as mugabe et al

  16. Has any one ever wondered why this World is in such a bad state?

    Why every one works and works so hard and the majority of people have good intentions,

    yet it seems to get worse and worse by the day?

    Of course you have!

    But whatever you do, nothing is going to change.

    Isn’t that frustrating?

    Of course it is.

    Frustration creates unhappiness.

    Unhappiness creates Anger.

    Anger turns into Violence.

    And when Violence becomes the ruler,

    the intelligent and sensitive people of this world have no chance of ever achieving something

    without prostituting themselves.

    But it is these people, observing and feeling, thinking and creating.

    It is these people who raise the common consciousness.

    The overall awareness of our society.

    So why aren’t we allowed to progress in a natural way?

    Why are we thrown into wars that no one wants?

    Why are we made to pay for Land that in reality belongs to only the people from this planet and not the chosen few?

    Why are we dumbed down and mislead?

    Why do our children spent so much time in school where they are filled up with c**p and idiocy lies and stupid concepts?

    Why do we accept that our children are thrown into prostitution?

    Why do we accept that our children are taken before they lived and thrown and killed in wars?

    Why do we give away our lives, our land and our future?

    The answer is simple and shocking, in fact so shocking that most people chose to believe the lies instead of trying to think for themselves.

    The Lie of Terrorism

    September 11 2001

    The world was shocked when they saw what happened at that day.

    Simply because what happened there was impossible.

    Impossible you might ask?

    But I saw it with my own eyes!

    Of course you saw it, everyone saw it.

    Just like you see David Blaine vanishing cards.

    Just like you see a second class magician performing one of his tricks.

    But the truth is simple!

    1+1 is not 3

    But yet they force us to believe that two commercial Passenger Jets have been captured by amateurs with no knowledge,

    help or experience and flew them into two buildings that burned one hour

    and made three buildings collapse to the ground

    without damaging any of the surrounding buildings.

    My dear friend, doesn’t this insult your intelligence?

    Well, it should!

    Every child has more Brain than this!

    The Madrid Bombings

    The simple fact that all of the alleged bombers have been on the payroll of the Spanish Secret Service

    is conclusion enough that this is a family job!

    The London Bombings

    Since I lived in London for a long time I had to take this particular bus to hackney on frequent trips to my friends.

    But for all those years I never drove along Tavistock Square on this route.

    And It never would because it is way off route.

    So why did they redirect it there?

    One simple term: Showmanship!

    It looks better to blow up a Bus near the Israeli Embassy

    than in Peckenham Corner.

    Want more evidence?

    All three Underground Bombs were triggered simultaneously, i.e. they killed at the same point of time.

    This can only be done by professionals.

    Even more when you cannot use your mobile phone on the Underground in London. That eliminates this point of view.

    To trigger a simultaneous signal in the Underground Railway of London,

    one has to use the Driver’s Communication Network.

    And that can only be done by the Family!

    The Anthrax Letters!

    It is proven beyond any question and beyond any doubt that the Anthrax used in this Attack was produced by the CIA!

    That makes them the Terrorists!

    Gordon Brown

    How convenient that on the day of Mr. Browns Initiation

    there were two “Terror” attacks, one in London and one in Glasgow.

    The Picture in London shows a Mercedes full of canisters parked in an empty road,

    and the video footage of Glasgow shows us some Guy in a fireproof suit

    ramming his car into a wall.

    How convenient that this Agent “died” in hospital of his wounds.

    Quite frankly if all Terrorists behave that way we don't need to be scared.

    Needless to say that Gordon Brown is a Freemason!

    All I can say is: They are running out of Ideas!

  17. no

  18. I fully agree with the questioner!Gordon Brown has let the people down!He no longer commands the respect of the majority of voters in Britain!There is only one honourable course of action for him to follow!Resign!Will he do just that!?No!!Why?Because people like him will cling onto power right upto the very last minute with their 'heads in the clouds'!Being encouraged by his 'hand picked' fellow 'toadies' who only tell him what he wants to hear!When will Frank Field andJim O'Donnell tell him the truth!His political days are numbered!

  19. yes go ahead, we're all behind you!!

    lead us, PLEEEEAAASE!!

  20. What the (Labour Government) need is a new leader.  Not far behind Gordon Brown, there standing in the half light, is the Milliband person - a bit of a cheeky boy.  Milliband says he is not interested in leading the Labour Party.  This is coded language meaning, "I am sharpening up a big dagger".

    Unfortunately for us, it looks as though we'll have to remain patient and wait until June something in 2010 for the next General Election - unless of course Brown is planning some sort of Mugabe coup - which is not yet public knowledge.

    I get the feeling that Brown is not interested in being PM for very long and knows that he does not have the charismatic charm to carry it off for very long.

    Look at it like this.

    To be a successful PM a person needs some rough edges and rougish charm.  It might also help if the person in question had warlike tendencies - which Brown, for all of his Scottishness, seems lacking.

    I've got several favourite PMs in my lifetime - they include, Winston, Maggie and Supermac - not one single Labour PM ever inspired me and from the outset I thought Tony Blair was just a schoolboy out for a lark about.

    Supermac (Harold Macmillan) in 1953 managed by supreme effort to build 1,000,000 new council houses.  That was a Tory by the way.  Now we have New Labour who's policy is to suck up to big biz - cut the taxes of Billionaires to nil and raise the taxes impossed upon the poor by getting rid of the lower paid sector tax level of 10%.

    Darling = Facist.

    Looking at Gordon Brown I see a crafty dodger face with sly eyes and an unsmiling slack face which is old beyond it's years. . . . .time now for change.

  21. yes

  22. Yes we should, but it won't happen. Apathy is alive and kicking.

  23. dosent matter what we demand ,they are so corrupt and useless they only do what they ant when they want it ....

    kick them all out and replace them with people who earn it the positions through hard work and loyalty to this country

  24. Yes,  but don't expect them to take any notice.

  25. its like were stuck with the dishonest lying thieving gits for life!!!!

  26. Yea, but you are all so apathetic that you will all ***** about the problems we have but then go and vote for a party that wont do anything about those problems. Im voting UKIP because i believe in what they stand for, im not voting for them because they are an alternative to a party i dont like.

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