
Gordon Brown- the best chancellor we've ever had?

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I heard the Milliband boy come out with this in a radio interview yesterday, and cannot for the life of me think of anything Brown has done to deserve this accolade, can you?




  1. The man who turned one of the best Pension systems into one of the worst with his Pension fund raids - he has knicked somewhere in the region of £70 billion from your pension to date.  

    The man never had any idea how to run the economy - it was all just Tax ... and Spend.  

  2. Selling all our gold at rock bottom prices, taxes everyone to the hilt then wastes it.

    I would hate to meet the worst one!  

  3. He caused the credit squeeze by not controlling credit at the start. He gave the Bank of England independance and all lending restrictions were lifted. The banks went wild, lending and mortgaging people who had absolutely no chance of paying back.Gordon is a chancer but he was never a chancellor

  4. no wonder BROWN walks funny when all you can see is millybands toenails

  5. Chancellor ,,, yes,, premier .. No

  6. Gordon Brown has been the worst Chancellor this country in 200years!

    How can anyone with any sense sell our gold reserves for $240 an ounce!Which is now worth $940 an ounce!

  7. Milly - doesn't want to be PM - he wants to be a Comedian.... Brown good at anything...  mmmm!!  well he did manage to wangle the top job...and how he managed that God ( & Blair )  only knows..

  8. Gordons reign as chancellor was all smoke and mirrors.

    He could not get out of the job fast enough.

    He knew what was coming and he was glad to have some other poor smuck in place to take the blame.

    His tax and spend policies have dropped us in a very big hole and the Tory's will seem to be very unpopular when it will be up to them to dig us out of it.

    Yep, expect higher taxes and higher interest rates under the incoming Tory government, its the only way out.

    As for him being the best chancellor we have ever had...I don't think so.

    I don't think I would like the ar*ewipe Milliband as Prime Minister either.

  9. What?

    With the state of the Country now, no way,

  10. TAX TAX TAX TAX and more TAX. Nothing else.

    Rubbish Chancellor, Rubbish PM.  

  11. Gordon is a Moron. Remember that song - so true!!

    Milliband is just a little two-faced weasel.

  12. Was this the same Gordon Broon who always boasted about "the end of Tory Boom and Bust"?  

    "Pride comes before a fall", as my mother so wisely put it.


  13. he _sounded_ like a good chancellor, "prudence" and an end to boom and bus and all that baloney

    Oddly enough, he was massively imprudent -- he sold off half our public services into PFI deals that will cost us billions, and he encouraged the housing  price explosion and its concomitant boom and bust

    He was the worst chancellor a country could ask for.

  14. Are you sure he said chancellor, not con man?

  15. No way!  

  16. I can think of a million things he has done that make him unworthy of such a title, but nothing deserving of "the best chancellor we've ever had"....

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