
Gordon Ramsay. Assh*le or genius?

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Gordon Ramsay. Assh*le or genius?




  1. Don't think he's a genius but think he's brilliant at entertaining and a pretty good cook. He comes across as quite hard but underneath he is really nice and normal not the psycho he portrays on TV.... Very watchable man.

  2. ********!

  3. neither. a very bad tempered, unoriginal chef (judged by others like jamie oliver and nigella lawson) who looks a bit like my s*****m

  4. A***hole!!  A genius is clever enough to know that you can get even further by being polite.

  5. Gordon Ramsay is not an a*****e!!!! He was most likely raised by a highly-diciplined family.

  6. Good business man.

  7. Both?

  8. Genius. I love to watch him!

  9. surely its the same thing. single minded people are successful therefore come across as arseholes.  examples 1/ Alan sugar 2/ Richard branson 3/ Philip green 4/ Simon cowell etc etc

  10. Used to be genius,once said he would never become a "celebrity chef"

    now I suspect hes sold out

    good cook though,though how much time he spends making food for real people is questionable

  11. Genius and gorgeous? Have you read 'Humble Pie'? I think he's magic.

  12. Used to think what a t**t to shout and swear so much, it actually took over from his cooking.  He always used to slag off "tv" chefs but that's what he is now himself and i love watching him, he has mellowed a wee bit.  However until he comes to my house to cook for me i can't comment on his cooking abilities - he is very successful and although he has a rather aggressive manner he gets results - i think i would have to say somewhere in between the two.

  13. Alittle of both I love him

  14. Genius!

  15. he is ***'s**luck if only he could stop tall king & more coking.

  16. just a c*nt

  17. genius

  18. He is definitely a genius. Read his book "Humble Pie" and you will see what a rough life he had and how he has worked himself really hard to get to his present position. His staff are fiercely loyal to him and lots have been with him for ages, so he can't be too bad to work for.

  19. He's the former - a foul-mouthed one at that!!!!

  20. he is an a*****e in the show no one deserves to be treated like he does to the guys, BUT it's show and they know what to expect.

    I'm not sure if he is a genius but he has a good reputation as Chef.

    I love him


  22. The first.

    Sorry, I don't like bullys.

  23. I can`t work him out. He talks about people not being able to handle the pressure.


    He`s the one who can`t take the pressure, he`s the one who loses control and starts shouting & swearing like a demented five year old banshee, he`s the one who smashes plates, he`s the who even swears at his table staff.

    Nope, I can`t work him out.

    But he must be doing something right lol

  24. Oh I love him, definately genius!

  25. genius with a hint of a*****e

  26. On the times I have spoken to Gordon I would say that his TV personality is actually quite different from real life.  When I have chatted to him he has been polite and courteous, not at all like on the TV.  No doubt he can be rough in the kitchen, but note that when he left Aubergine to set up on his own, every member of staff followed him.  You don't get that sort of loyalty just by shouting at people.

    On the talent side, there are only three restaurants in the UK with three Michelin stars (of which Gordon Ramsay is one, the others being the Waterside Inn and the Fat Duck) and only 56 in the world, so I think that says a lot about his ability as a chef, even though he is more businessman than working chef these days.

  27. How many chefs out there (inc. Painsley, Anthony Squirrel Thompson etc) give the public the chance to work in their restaurant whilst teaching them useful tips on how to cook simple dishes in a short amount of time?

    He is in no way an a****** because he had the buisness sense to advise people on how to run their restaurants properly without unneccessarily patronising or swearing until he is blue in the face.  Some of the twits he advised deserved to be sworn at...the level of frustration on Ramsays part must have been astromonical.

    Sure he thinks a lot of himself and being ranked up there with the best of them with michelin stars to his name which he probably worked darn for whilst juggling a family.....who can blame him!!

  28. i think he's funny when he goes off on one

  29. Genius.  The guy has worked extremely hard to get where he is today.  If he's walked over some dickheads in the process, so be it.  He may curse like a trooper but it doesn't make him an assh*le.  He's as straight as an arrow.

  30. genius

    anyone who can make a fortune out of swearing can only be


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