
Gore's Global Warming?

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Facts are facts - An overwhelming majority of those who understand and research the earth's climate trends do not support Gore's theory. His cry for attention is obvious - he is an insignificant indiviual that won't make a difference toward the betterment of mankind.




  1. What is you guy's obsession with Al Gore?  It borders on the delusional.  Anthropogenic Global Warming has been accepted science for more than 100 years.  Then all of a sudden George Bush says "the jury is still out on Global Warming" and to you, that makes it a theory thought up by Al Gore?  What kind of reasoning is that?  You do realize Bush admitted he was mistaken (or lying), don't you?

  2. I don't care about Al Gore, but you're wrong about the man-made global warming theory.;...

  3. amen

  4. At least Gore cares! His theory is not fauled, if we all want to turn around and act there is nothing going on then so be it but we all know the planet is getting warmer and things like twisters in Atlanta happening. Why? Because its all out of wack!

  5. Global warming or not,  why are people so against our cleaning up after ourselves.  Come on people, we need to clean our world.

  6. Amen.

  7. Greg - your first statement is incorrect.  The second, sadly is all too true.    Humanity only changes opportunistically, or when it's unavoidable, or when change offers more of what we already value  - never, so far as I can see, primarily through the exercise of critical or creative innovative intelligence.  So basically we get more of the same until the sky falls down.  Ho hum.

  8. Facts are facts, but you seem to have read them bassackwards. Gore doesn't have a theory. His film is about a well established theory that's been around for well over a century. And it's a theory that the vast majority of scientists accept.

    You are right about one thing though: Gore really is irrelevant to the GW discussion. Which makes the fact that you denialists seem so obsessed with him rather puzzling, not to mention mildly disturbing.
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