
Gore links cyclone to global warming?

by Guest66585  |  earlier

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Who is not surprised?




  1. gore is sooooooooooooo lame!!!!!

  2. Storms occur naturally, of course.

    But heat is the fuel of storms.  Adding more heat will cause more and stronger storms.

    Attributing any one storm to global warming is dubious.  Saying global warming will cause more problems with storms is scientific fact.

  3. Of course he did. His agenda is to relate everything bad that happens to global warming. I'm guessing the halocaust was global warming too, and perhaps bear attacks, cancer, vampires, homeless people, and terrorists are too. It gets hot its global warming and if it gets too cold its global warming as well. He can say anything and apparently people will believe it and spend billions of dollars to "fix" it. He is our savior.

  4. That's why his congregation are now pushing the term "climate change" instead of "global warming".  That way, ALL sorts of weather phenomena can be attributed to man's actions....... rain, snow, no snow......etc....etc....not just global warming.

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