
Gore orphange stories.?

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okay well I live in Ohio, I used to live in the same city as gore orphange, I do not anymore. I just want to know whats the story behind it? Have you had any creepy expirences while there? I went there 1 time before, I didn't have anything creepy occur, I saw an angel like statue & my sister had told me that people knock it's head off at night or something & you could hear screaming. But I dont know... I also heard that gore orphange used to really be an orphange but it burnt down while the kids were inside, BUT that's false, it was shut down before the fire. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO GOOGLE & TYPE IN GORE ORPHANGE, I WANT TO HEAR YOUR VIEWS & EXPIRENCES OF IT. Thanks.


Im REALLY intersted in this kind of stuff.




  1. Mr and Mrs Sprunger created an Orphanage in 1903 after their own children died in strange situations, there were gossip of kids allegedly given into adoption who were murdered instead, but nothing was ever proved, on 1916 due financial problems the bank seized the property and boot off the Sprungers.

    A new orphanage was built there still in 1916 but a year later the place was destroyed by a fire, and the kids were killed, the arsonist was allegedly an old man from the river who hated children, but some people blame the Sprungers for it, the place is allegedy haunted ever since. That's what I know.

  2. Sounds like just another ghost story kids tell to scare each other.  When I was growing up it wasn't an orphanage, it was a vacant house up the street.

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