
Gosh, the Democrats that are supposed to be so inclusive have their claws out for Sarah funny?

by  |  earlier

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the democrats are so afraid and worried They are the ones that are used to playing off different minority groups, and they cannot stand anyone else getting in on the act. Don't you agree?




  1. Yes, but what really gets me is when women say they are for women empowerment yet they dont like Sarah P...Why??? Because shes a women??? It makes no sense.... I think they are just jealous that shes hotter then them......hahahaha

  2. She certainly lacks much useful experience for someone who could instantly become president.   I think they could discuss that fact with out using their claws.

  3. Really? McCain has ran nothing but a smear campaign and his biggest talking point 'Obama's lack of experience' just went down the drain with his pick today.

    Don't dish it out if you can't take it!

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