
Gossip, Ex-Husband - why does it bother me? ARGG!?

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My ex-husband bothers me with out doing much. Today we were arguing because he wants her on a non-scheduled weekend and I have to change my plans to suit his. His family always takes family pictures Labor Day weekend on that Saturday. It is my weekend and I agreed to let our daughter go over late morning which wasn't good enough because they typically do them in the afternoon. BUT if I agree to the afternoon time then it ruins my day. Also, he is now wanting her Friday night through Saturday morning and since I have no plans as of yet he said it is just attitude if I say no.

AND he told me he hears gossip about me but not from his friends just general people. Two things - That if I can't get along with him, I won't be able to get along with anyone. And that I just date anyone in order to try and make him look bad. Apparently the second comment stems from me being seen at the local Legion back in January/February with a guy I was dating for a few months. We went out in town 2 -3 times. I've dated others but not more than once or twice and not out in the small town we live in. Only one was from town and we only dated one time. I haven't gone out on a date since probably March or April!

All this makes me want to burst into tears!




  1. he just doesnt want you to have a good life he wants to ruin it for you AND yor letting him so you need to make hm understand that whatever he says dont hurt you. and just ignor him altogether. yes you have a daughter BUT that doesnt mean you cant have a life again. you need to move on and ignor those little comments wetehr its from him or anyone else. they dont live your life so they dont have any business gettting in it

  2. It's going to bother you, it's a comment of character. No one likes negative comments about their character. Take it as it is, rumors... What you do in your spare time really isn't any of his business any more unless it is unhealthy for your daughter. I wouldn't spend time worrying about an ex. Don't allow him to relay rumors to you. Not many people will say negative about him to his face, it will be all about you. Tell him you're not interested in the small town talk and he can keep the comments to himself. If you're going out of your way to allow the visitation early (for his benefit), the least he can do it take her at your convenience. He's being a jerk about this.

  3. He's just trying to get under your skin . . . and it's working.  

  4. All I can say just laugh at him when he says and take it with a Grain of Salt.  Tell him you have better things to worry about then his bullshit gossip stories and you don't have time unless it evolves your daughter.  The next time you have plans on your weekend with your daughter do not let him have her that is your time with your daughter, just say no!

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