
Gossip... Gossip...?

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Why do people mlike to gossip and make up evil stories about others? What is the fun in making others miserable?




  1. Spitefulness is the forbidden fruit, which is fun to eat

  2. It's kinda just human nature.

  3. Hmm..Maybe because that opther person has what they don't have and because some people are just mean,and rude,and don't have anythign better to do,than to make other's feel lower than them...Which is wrong and mean,and so immature...: )

  4. They don't feel good about themselves, so they can't stand to see other people happy.  It makes them feel better to make other people as miserable as they are.

  5. Makes them feel better about themselves  

  6. It makes some people feel like they are better than others but it usually makes them look like a jerk when the truth comes out.  They are Just Evil Pieces of Poo. LOL xx Love ya my friend Sugar bug

  7. isee what you mean

    its only to make themselves feel better

    by putting others down

    soo not cool ''/

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