I need an opinion on a theory. I work in a small office- 17 people. I believe that most of the gossip in our office is actually my boss's fault. This scenario has happened repeatedly in the years I've been there. If his door is closed something is happening. He pulls people or groups of people into his office and makes a change. This change mainly effects those people but it also effects other people. He tells them not to say anything. But in small offices, things are said and heard, simply by virtue of seating and such. So then everyone wants to know what's going on? They ask someone else -some will tell, some hoard info- and it keeps going. Then generally days later when speculation is rampent, we get an email from our boss that starts "You may have heard....." If he would just come out and tell everyone instead of trying to hide things wouldn't it be better? This has happened and directly effected my duties, but I had to hear it from someone else not my boss. Opinions?