
Gossiper Co-Workers And Not Being Rude To Them?

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Without being rude to some of my co-workers that like any bit of gossip when ever they can get. How do I tell them I'm not interested in hopping on the gossip train with them? I know if I don't talk to them they will take offense to it. But that is all they usually like to talk about.




  1. Avoid them all together if you can. If you have to be around and when they start to gossip I would go elsewhere. Who needs gossip? You get it on TV with Entertainment Tonight or these sleazy shows. If I don't like someone I avoid them at all costs.  

  2. Tell them directly.  "Sorry, Sally.  I'm not interesting in gossiping about people.  You'll need to talk to someone else about this."  I told this to a horrible gossip I work with and I tell her this every time she approaches me with some juicy tidbit.  She seemed someowhat taken aback by this, but she has backed off on gossiping with me.  

  3. I never indulged in gossip, either.  I don't understand why so many enjoy it, I don't. If they're talking about others in front of you, they're talking about you (or whoever) when you're not there.

    Just kind of excuse yourself, when gossip rears it's ugly head. You can also try to change the subject.  Hang with other co-workers.

  4. Don't make a big speech, just don't add anything or pass anything on. You can still make pleasant chit chat - hi, howya going, nice day, how's the family, do you have a good recipe for chocolate chip cookies, is it time to plant cauliflowers, really busy - are you ...? Easy.  

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