
Gossips and why they gossip don't they got anything else to do?

by  |  earlier

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I am apparently the most popular girl in my grade but don't know why.. People going around calling me a b***h but still they wanna be like me and hang out with me.. I don't get why people call you that stuff and are your best friend the next minute its so crazy and i get so confussed... You can't trust people these days... There are so many gossips waiting for you to stuff up and spread that all around the school.. I don't get it what joy do they get from it? knowing oh yea and spread that rommer I am so cool? what the h**l these people are crazy.. Why do people do it?




  1. just remember, one mans conversation is another mans gossip....

  2. It called "jealousy". People who are friends with you, but behind your back calling you names are people who won't get anywhere in life. Instead they will always try to be as good as you in everything. If I was you, I wouldn't be friend with someone who talks c**p behind my back.

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