
Got 3 f's!!?

by  |  earlier

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well 1st quarter i got D and second quarter i got F 3rd i got and F and 4th im getting an F and theirs a final project(project is worth 120 points) thats worth 10% of my final grade if i do it will i pass the class??




  1. Do the project the BEST that you can. Work on it like you've never worked on anything before. And also, talk to your teacher and see if s/he will let you make up any missing work for the fourth quarter. It's unlikely that you'll pass but it's definately worth a shot. Believe it or not, teachers aren't out to get you, they want to see you do well.

  2. It depends on how well you do, but you would really have to do well.  It looks like the best you could possibly do would be to get a D.

  3. Go ahead and do it!  In college, I needed something like a 478 on my final exam to pass a class (I didn't go very often, oops).  Not possible to get a 478 out of 100 (obviously), but I went and took it anyway and the prof passed me!

  4. I doubt it

  5. Hard to say because there are too many variables in grading, but likely no, you won't pass.

    First, a project worth 10% isn't likely to pull your grade out of the gutter.

    Second, frankly, even if it *is* enough to pull your grade out, a student with 1 D and 3 Fs isn't likely to ace the project and get all 120 points.  You don't have the best track record there, kiddo.

  6. It depends on how low your F's are.

    Also, if you happen to have a teacher who would be willing to work with you, s/he will NOT cut you any slack if you don't do this final project.
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