
Got 3 starting QBs, which 2 should I keep?

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I drafted Mcnabb and Bulger; and then picked up Brett Favre when he returned. They are all pretty much ranked equally. Who should I keep and why?




  1. McNabb and Favre. Bulger is not too decent anymore. McNabb should be your starter

  2. As much as I like Favre, I would take Bulger and McNabb simply because they have more to work with in terms of offense.

  3. McNabb and Favre, easy choice.

  4. keep MC and brett favre  

  5. keep all 3 and wait until week 3 to get rid of one maybe the one you get rid of might have the best season

  6. probably mcnabb and favre, which would scare me because favre is in a new offense for the first time in 16 years, and is what, 38 years old.

    and we all know how injury prone mcnabb is

    which then leads me to think maybe you should keep bulger

    it's your choice though, good luck

  7. brett favre and Mcnabb they will be ur best 2!!!

  8. get rid of bulger id say keep farve and mcbabb

  9. Farve and Bulger

  10. Favre and McNabb.  Favre has renewed energy in NY and will be solid.  McNabb is good as long as he stays on the field.  Bulger hasn't done anything for the past 2 years.  He has a poor o-line in St. Louis and no one to throw the ball to.  Holt is way past his prime and has been on the decline, so don't expect anything from him.

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