
Got Veneers?

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Has anyone ever gotten veneers to fix a gap in your two front teeth, and how much did it cost?





  1. depending on what kind of dentist you have, some look for money and do veneers, my dentist just fills in the space with fillings and its less invasive on your teeth. make sure its the right thing for your smile.

  2. For a small space just have them bonded with composite.  This is totally reversible and less expensive.  Veneers often require the removal of some enamel which is irreversible and a lot more costly.

  3. Both of the previous people are correct, in that if you just need to fix the gap between your teeth, you probably can just get some composite (tooth colored filling material) bonded to your teeth.  It is reversible, you don't need to get anesthetized, and should not be noticible.  Also, with bonding materials these days, it should last a long time.

    When veneers are done, they do remove the surface layer of your teeth and will need to be redone every 10 yrs or so (give or take).  They are also in the $1000 range each, whereas the fillings are probably in the $1-200 range each.
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