
Got a Job rejection e-mail - Help

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I applied for this job two weeks ago, followed up with a call to see if they received the resume last week. Lady was very polite and said they did receive it, but the process does not start until 2-4 weeks. What ever the job description says i posses all the skills and have the experience and then some. I have a 4 year degree in the field the job is in, and i am even going for my Masters right now. I received an e-mail today sent by the assistant of the human resources manager, but signed by the hr manager. here is what the message says:

"Thank you for your interest in the position of Marketing Assistant at ****. Notwithstanding your training, we are searching for a candidate whose education and experience are more in keeping with our position requirements.

I am sorry that we don't have anything for you, but I want to wish you the best of luck in your job search."

I received rejection letters AFTER the interview before, but never received a rejection letter without an interview. I can understand after an interview for rejecting someone, but rejecting someone without an interview left me speechless. Especially when the e-mail says that they are looking for someone who has an education and experience geared around the position. I was like, WTF? did you even read my resume? I want to contact them, but don't know what to say. I don't want to be rude or take this personal, i just want to get my point across and say i am very fit for this position.




  1. It sounds like you may have been overqualified or as you guessed perhaps they didn't really read your resume.  

    I would consider replying with a letter asking them to let you know if other positions become available that more closely match your qualifications.

    Look at it this way.  Now you have a contact email address rather than the dreaded HR Black Hole.  

  2. Being in the HR field for 6 years there a few possibilities. You were A. Too qualified, B. They already have a person in mind for the position. Did you include a cover letter and salary requirements? That could have something to do with it. It happens all the time. It isn't unusual.  

  3. forget about them, move on with your job search

  4. This is not unusual.  You didn't get the job.  Move on.

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