
Got a budgie NON hand trained and i got its wings clipped wat do i do now??

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i have a 5 month old budgie and i got its wings clipped and i have it on my shoulder right this second but once its on the ground and not on me it bites and i have to wear gloves all the time with it and i cant get it out of the cage because it bites me





  1. Sounds to me like you have a female budgie. They tend to be much bitier than the males, and probably harder to train, too. Maybe you need a boy budgie.

    Other than that, just lots of patience.

  2. Make sure you tame it straight away, because the older they get, the harder it is to teach them. If it's wings are clipped, they will be more reliant on you. Firstly, you have to make sure that it trusts you. What you do now is you have to socialise with it. Show your hand to it and make sure you don't do anything nasty to it. Never try grabbing it. Put your hand in the cage everyday for about 2-5 mins. Once it doesn't fly around and just stays still, it is time to move onto the next step. The next step is to make it go on your finer. What you have to do is still do the same routine everyday. When your session is up, move your hand to the budgies chest. Now you have to push up on its belly and say up. The budgie should naturally step up onto your finger. Do this everyday. Now you can bring it outside. Hopefully it won't fly away. Just keep on doing it until it fully trusts you. You can also train it top go onto your shoulder which it normally does anyway.

    Hope i helped.

  3. They say that clipping it's wings will make it more dependant on you, and therefore, more willing to be carried around from place to place.  I don't know if I fully agree with that idea.  At any rate, hand training/taming takes time.  The trust takes time to develop.  Talk to it.  Socialize it.  Take baby steps, and gradually warm it up to letting you hold it.

  4. Here's some great information on taming budgies:

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