
Got a cat from a friend; she got pregnant.?

by Guest33496  |  earlier

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We let her do her own thing but she got pregnant. So now we think that she'll be do in about two or three weeks. No vet. But what do we do for her? We also may be moving soon so that may be a problem.





  1. You don't sound like a responsible pet owner.

    No vet???  Is this an indoor cat?

    Ifs it outdoor bring her inside, otherwise goodluck trying to catch her and all the babies once she delivers.

  2. If you're moving and not planning on spaying her then please find her a home where the owners will take responsibility for her medical care. What are you going to do if for some reason she has problems delivering the kittens? What if she goes into labor but can't push them out? Will you take her to the vet to get medical help or just let her do her own thing until she dies? If you already know you won't get her medical treatment then please take her to the shelter where they can be responsible for her. You have the opportunity here to not become one of those irresponsible owners that shouldn't have pets. Prove to her that you can be better than that.  

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