
Got a crush on my godmother's daughter. She's 14, I'm 19. She'll be 15 in November. She's not related but...

by  |  earlier

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but her mom is my godmother and my mom is hers.

We only see each other once a year on average.

Should I try and get together with her?




  1. man that is disgusting. wait at least another 2 years then she might be mature enough. right now she is still a little kid..

  2. date someone your own age dateing a 15 year old and being 19 is illegal  so go ahead go to jail

    can you try answering mine

  3. Do you like her because of her booooobs?? if you want b***s buy a magazine.

  4. I don't think thats a good idea, specially because her mom is your godmother and your mom is her godmother.

  5. it will be a long distance relationship it wouldn't work and she is too young for you try dating someone near ur age like 17,18,19

  6. no way dude. thats like being a cradle snactcher. think about it, when you were 4, she was born, and when you started skool she was like get the idea. its probably illegal as well so stick to sum 1 ur own age.

  7. ahh no dude thats illegal and if you were to go any further in the relationship that would be called statuatory rape whether she consented or not. think about it.

  8. wtf??  yeah sure go ahead and go to jail. thats where your gonna end up.

    thats sick. you should know better.

  9. at this age...stick to someone your me

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