
Got a job offer now, but am still interviewing with my TOP choice which could take weeks!

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K, so I know a lot of people ask this here, but my situation is slightly different:

I am being let go at my current job due to “business restructuring” so I’ve been exploring options in the market as expeditiously as possible and now, got myself in a "tizzy":

I have been talking to JOB A - my top choice - for a few weeks now about an opportunity with them and they have expressed real interest in me and love my background. They like it so much that they are basically looking to create a senior-level position for me in their company. Because, it was not an open position originally, however, the process has been slow with getting everything approved with their top partners and setting up interviews and meetings with everyone as the company is not in my state, so it requires setting up travel to do this interviews and, therefore, makes the process more cumbersome (just to be clear, I have NO problem moving, in fact, it’s part of he reason why I AM so interested in this job). Here’s the catch with them – everything up until this point as just been verbal. As of today, I know it will take AT least another 2 - 3 weeks before any written (and therefore, legal) documentation solidifying the deal are made.

Then , there’s JOB B

I interviewed for JOB B - my back up – about two days ago in which I had NO intention of ever taking them over JOB A. They are, however, a VERY GOOD, WELL KNOWN company and are offering a more entry level position with a program that could advanced me to management in two years. It's not a "perfect fit" in terms of where I’d like to take my career, per se, as much as JOB A (hence, why it’s my back up) but they seem cool and the interview went well. And here’s the thing: they told me they were not looking for anyone to start until mid-September, early October, which was perfect for me in terms of Great, right?... Well, I dunno what the h**l they were talking about b/c now--only two days later--I've been offered the job. It's totally overwhelming! Great, but confusing… I wasn’t expecting this fast turnaround…

Now, I ALREADY know to I need to call / contact JOB A and mention - professionally - that another job has been offered to see if the process can be sped up. Yes, and this I already did.

Here’s the problem with that:

#1) The hiring manager is currently out of town on vacation and -- NO - there is no one else I can contact, b/c he's the one really headed up the job and process. He won’t be back till next week so I don’t know his thoughts on this…

#2) Even when I hear back from him, I KNOW I won't be able to speed up the process any more than maybe 2 weeks…. The company is out of state, so things take longer in terms of setting up a date to meet (got to fly me out), plus they want me to sit and "visit' with one of their offices and get a real "feel" for them ( which I love the idea of, b/c I really want to do that b/c signing anything as well!) but a lot of their people are travelling so it will take some time to get this lined up where I can visit with everyone.

So overall, I’m truly excited about JOB A , form what I know today, and with them physically adding a job for me b/c they are so impressed with my background, I feel stupid to walk away from it without giving a REAL chance (how often do companies do that for young professionals?), However, it still all just verbal conversations at this point, anything can happen... On the other hand, JOB B is not my top choice, but is a good, solid opportunity. Having said that, if I went with them over JOB A, I know would never be able to live that down... Still, I know JOB B will NOT wait 3 weeks for me to give them a decision.

Also I really don’t want to lie because:

1) I've heard that if would be REALLY bad/unethical for me to accept the job knowing that I may leave in just a few days after taking it. I've heard this can be bad for your future career as it creates bad blood and is just plain shady.

2) If I take JOB B, I would woulld need a few days off over the next few weeks to travel (at least 3) and complete my interview process with JOB A… I mean, a person can only say they are sick so many times in their first few weeks before an employer catches on…

With all that laid out… HELP!! I don’t’ want to end up unemployed but I’d like to also avoid burning bridges!




  1. Wow. What a pleasant problem to have! Yet I can understand how it is overwhelming, and I am glad you want to do this ethically.

    I think you should get back to your contact person at Job B and tell them you are very happy they offered you the job and loved being at their company, but you actually are weighing other possibilities right now. Since they don't need anyone to start until September/October, set a date like August 22 by which you will give them a definitive answer.

    Meanwhile, email and/or voicemail your contact at Job A -- he'll get it when he gets back, and reiterate you have received another offer and you have come to an agreement with them to let them know either way by August 22.

    I get that they want to vett you and have parties in agreement about creating a position for you -- if some people are not then that dream job could easily turn into more trouble than it is worth.

    However...lying or playing the employers as you correctly stated will only serve to ruin your career and get you black listed.

    Like I said, in this economy, what a pleasant and enviable dilemma to have!  

  2. I would take Job B and not even consider Job A any longer.  Sounds like you are being left to dangle.  If they were that hot on you, they would have offered you a contract.   Not of Job A's promises were put in writing and could disappear, leaving you with unemployment.  

  3. omg this is just to much to read to be honest. sorry.

  4. Ask Job B how long you can sit on the offer for. Hopefully, you'll be able to contact the Job A hiring manager before the Job B deadline expires. If Job A doesn't give you anything IN WRITING before the Job B deadline, you should take Job B. The last thing you want is to lose out on both jobs and be left unemployed. You can always search for other jobs while working at Job B and leave after a year there or so if you don't like it.

    Note: Accepting Job B and then leaving immediately for Job A is NOT an option. It is unprofessional and can come back to bite you in the *** later in your career (e.g. if you ever want to work at company B).

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