
Got a knee injury, having anxiety re: my weight. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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I got hurt about 14 weeks ago and still waiting to have surgery, please make me feel better about dealing with a little extra pds. Thanks!!




  1. idk what pds stands for. well why did u have to wait for so long. i woulda wanted surgery asap

  2. And once you get your surgery, you can get back into top shape.. so relax and enjoy your excuse for the time being.  

  3. You don't have to gain weight or stop exercising just because you hurt your knee. There are plenty of exercises you can do without using your knee.... and if you eat small portion sizes, drink plenty of water, and stay away from the fast food and soda, you should be fine even without exercising. Hopefully your knee will get better soon.

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