
Got a letter from the city borough i have 30 days to be out of my place?

by  |  earlier

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basically the borough has been trying to get in contact with the landlord for about six months. the house needs to be inspected. it has yet to be done. so if it is not done, then the house will be padlocked. now i was trying to move anyways. am i still obligated to pay rent or is that lease now invalid???




  1. Why don't you call the city borough to come and inspect it.  Your problem will be solved and you will not be evicted.  Good Luck

  2. Start packing.

  3. Do you have a security deposit?  I certainly wouldn't give any money to a landlord that the city cannot find.

  4. That is a great question did you pay last month and a security deposit when you moved in?  If you did you now owe nothing, it is your last month.

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