
Got a letter from the school about my daughter going into 7th grade?

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I try very hard to stay on top of my children`s education.

I got a letter from the school stating that my daughter took a test at the end of May with a few other kids from the school that was an ITBS test for the 8th grade level. She was only in 6th grade and had already taken it for 6th grade and got all 98-99 percentile!

If I had been asked for my consent I would never have consented to it because I feel kids are terribly over tested due to GWB`s stupid No Child Left Behind BS.


So she apparently has vocabulary and reading comprehension at the college freshman level (Grade Equivalent 13.0) and other scores that would have been stellar even for an 8th grader.

So in August we have to go to a parent meeting about the expectations for the class she will be in . She does read all the time and she is smart and has been in the gifted program since grade 4 but I never signed anything consenting for her to take this test or be in whatever class she is going to be in.




  1. My daughter is also in a gifted program.She`s just finished the 4th gr. I can remember signing papers at the first of the year,allowing her to be in these classes,I also received a paper on her rights.My guess is that you signed the papers so long back,Maybe you forgot? She takes a LOT of tests-word masters, geography bee etc.Plus I.Q.Which was done when she was first put in these classes. My advice You do have a right NOT to put her in these classes, if you fear she will be tested a lot, well you are right.PLUS. My daughter has a lot more work.Essays -teaching classes on it.Frankly, if she didn`t like it so much, I would let her in the regular classroom.She`s doing Math, like Lattice.My husband & I are getting an education ,helping her!

  2. The school does not need your permission to test your child.

  3. I don't see the problem here.  Seems like you wanted to brag about your kid.

  4. I think you should be very proud of her! I took a test like that in 6th grade that said I was at the college level too, and I was very happy for myself, and she should be too. =]

    And while I feel kids in school are being over-tested, for some of the tests (such as one we have in my state called the MEAP) you can get money for college from them.

    However, if you REALLY feel she shouldn't take tests in school (although I don't see any harm in them; it's just a test, honestly, it's not hurting her and you shouldn't have to sign anything; they're trying to improve your daughter's school experience by putting her in a level that will challenge her as well as improve their curriculum) you can talk to the principal or the head of the school board and see if you can at least be told when she'll be tested. However, some of them are REQUIRED tests that she can't get out of.

    Good luck!

  5. may let the school know very clearly and politely (mind you) that you expect your consent to be sought before such tests next time.  

    however, you should be proud of your daughter and allow her to maximize her intellectual edge.  i'm also not an advocate of moving kids too far away from the level their mates are just cos they're more intelligent; but you may have to let go to an extent, so that her intellectual prowess can be maximised.  make sure you let your daughter know how happy you are that she is so smart.

  6. I'm not a fan of NCLB, either, and the practice of teaching to standardized tests dismays me.  But I have no problem with a test designed to figure out somebody's level so that you can actually teach to that level and keep them challenged.  Kids spend a tremendous amount of time in school.  I think it's a huge waste for a kid to spend that many hours "working on" stuff they already know.  

    I'd actually be thrilled to be in a school system that was proactively trying to keep all kids challenged at whatever level they're on (and care enough about parent input to schedule a meeting for the parents about how they're going to do that).  My school district has no gifted and talented program, so my child who was tested at reading at a 5th grade level in kindergarten nonetheless plods through the regular curriculum with everyone else.  Now that's a test that's pointless.  Why bother to determine their reading level if you're then going to stick them with a book six grade levels below it?

  7. If tests like this offend you then you need to go and speak to the schoolboard yourself.  Take the initiative -- they're not going to ask your permission.

    Let this be a lesson learned -- check at the beginning of the year for any state mandated tests and see what you can do to have your daughter excused from them.

  8. i think you should ask why yo were not informed and

    firmly state that if this program is going to continue with your daughter then you need to be fully informed at all times.

    but dont be mad

    your girl is a genius


  9. They shouldn't of made your daughter take the test without your consent. If you don't want her to be in the smart class tell the principal or who ever you have to talk to and they will take her out.

  10. congrats how old is she. is she 30yrs old.

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