
Got a poaching problem near my house, poachers using spot lamps and maybe rifles?

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I went to my local police station a few month ago, they sent a wildlife protection officer to have a chat. Then they mounted patrols what lasted a month now the poacher's are back. So I went to police station, told them about the returning problem and they don,t seam to be intrested anymore. Its getting to a point were I'am thinking of taking the law in my own hands, but I reckon i'll come off worst because these poachers are hard nuts from Newcastle. I can't do anything now, anybody got any ideas?




  1. Write to the Chief Constable of your region and write to your MP OK this is not going to get instant results, even go to the local press, T.V. etc, raise public awareness, or even the RSPCA could give you advice.

    Don't even consider tackling these thugs alone, good luck, just don't get yourself shot.

  2. let off a few fireworks

  3. those police are no good in these. Try contacting your local conservation or environmental agency.

  4. You should have another talk with your local police, ask for a super, and go directly to your wildlife authorities as well. Best cover both ends, and don't get involved, sounds like these  are crazies that might just shoot you. Don't get guard dogs in case you were thinking of it, they'll shoot them too. Good idea from Fred HH too, if you have the funds. Sad, I feel for you my friend.

  5. Actually, I do recommend guard dogs and video cameras. If the poachers shoot the dogs you will have them on tape committing a very serious crime.

    The guard dogs will also discourage the poachers from harming you.

    Also if it is legal in your area, I recommend that you get several cannisters of pepper spray. If ou do have a confrontation with these characters, pepper spray will slow them down enough to give you a good opportunity to escape.

    I do not recommend a firearm even if it is legal in your area.

    If you shoot one of these idiots in self defense there are many attorneys who make their livelihoods out of making victims who shoot their attackers in self defense look like the aggressors, with all of the negative legal consequences that follow from that including the loss of your property and financial wealth to the attorney and his criminal client.


  6. kill the poachers.





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    Wolfy thinks u should too =D

  7. set up video cams and get license plate numbers.

    You can get a wireless video cam kit that's good enough for about $50.

    With video proof and the license plate numbers... the  poachers can be prosecuted.

  8. get a macjhine gun or a tiger .

    If the authorities wont back you up what can jou do ??

    I really dont know


    try to film them and get the news paper involved

  9. i personally would post "POSTED" signs near the edge of my property and on some trees near where the poachers come. it is definately a deterrent. if that still does not work i would try to contact a member of the local government and let them know about the problem. often times community members are looking for open space prospects and the ability to aquire land and preserve it. if that doesnt sound like a good idea i would see who the owners are of the properties next door and see if you could all come to a solution or  agreement together, or to contact the national public trust to see if the land could be saved as open space and off limits to hunting for life. if local police might not want to hear it i would report to the department of wildlife and conservation. if you log onto yahoo you can find their website and phone numbers and i bet they deal with similar situations all the time and would be able to give you much better advice than i could about your poaching problem. good luck.

  10. poison the water, if the animals die they can't poach.

    Good lord Im just kidding. video taped evidence is strong but check with the owners to see if maybe they are trying to thin populations or something

  11. Try calling the Game Warden, they will probably do something and if they don't complain the their bosses.

  12. Well they should listen to you try calling them right when you see them and even better when you hear gun shot if they are shooting them. They can't ingnore gun shots because someone could get shot.

  13. You should do a verity of the things mentioned above.

    First you should have a chat to them directly and state your problem with them. Then if it continues see if they are registered by recording them when they comeback and show it to the warden and police officers. If you really feel that strongly about it why not also bring it to court directly if you know for a fact that they do not have a "liceance to kill"?

  14. First thing I'd do is figure out how they are accessing the property that they are poaching on. If they are using ATV's or pickup trucks, go buy some nails. Roofing nails w/ large washers are my favorite, but fencing staples (the long ones) work well also. You have to put a bend on them with a pair of pliers to get them to work right. Pick some up and you'll see what I mean. If you decide to do this, don't let yourself be seen. Do it during the week, or sometime when nobody's around. If they are travelling on roads that you or your friends and neighbors use, it's going to be trickier. You need to find out exactly who is doing this, and not give yourself away. If they are leaving their vehicles and hunting on foot, you might consider sabotaging their vehicles. You will only have one shot at this, so you have to get it right. A tiny pebble underneath their valve caps is a good one. This will allow all of the air to escape from their tires, and they won't know it till' after they leave, as it takes awhile for the tires to completley deflate. This is a good one because you are not actually commiting any property damage. Draining the oil from the engine is good too. Take a crescent wrench so you don't have to fiddle with different sizes. Obviously, this is risky. You would be breaking the law, as well as pissing off someone with a gun and a bad attitude. Disclaimer: breaking the law is wrong. Don't try any of these things otherwise you will get in trouble or shot at. Contact the local authorities. This information purely for entertainment purposes only.

  15. Are the poachers on your land,Have they got permission of the land owner,If they are not on your land mind your own business If they hav`nt got permission the land owner will inform the police and act on his instruction. A lot of people are reporting legitimate pest controllers going about their work with permission from the land owners And it`s costing the police force a fortune as well as taking officers away from solving real crime. I can only think they are anti shoot/hunt people that like to interfere .If they are there with out permission then yes they are armed and dangerous and must be left for the police to deal with.

    I was shooting pigeons one day when armed police swooped ,about twenty of them including helicopter when I had satisfied them that I had permission and showed them my gun license they stood down.with the retort that this operation had cost over £20.000

    I asked who had reported me they said some one had driven by and heard shooting.

  16. Poaching what and from where?

  17. In some areas, whether they are involved themselves or are just too scared, police don't seem to care. If you can get a load of your friends and neighbours together so there are a lot of you (safety in numbers) to keep watch, take photos and also invite the press to be alongside you. Poachers and all animal violators are cowards and if they aren't wearing masks, wouldnt welcome the publicity of seeing their faces in print.

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