
Got a speeding ticket in arkansas?

by  |  earlier

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I got a ticket today for going 56 in a 35 even though really I had my cruise set at 50 the officer was oncoming, but besides that I usually don't speed, I was having some "bathroom issues" and was trying to get home. Either way I am not trying to get out of the ticket I know I was speeding but I was wearing my seatbelt and I have never had a ticket or accident before , btw I am 25 fixing to be 26 so they can clearly see I am not a usual offender, do you think I can get defensive driving school instead of pay the ticket cause I can't afford the ticket unless i shut off the computer and my lights. I already don't have sat. or anything. I am on a very tight budget. What can I do, I don't want to go to court cause then they will charge me with a court fee too.




  1. You were in a rural area, did you have to go #1 or #2?

    If it was #1 just pull off to the side of the road & go !

    Excuses are like A** Holes,,,,,,,,,,,

    Everybodys got one !

  2. At 21 miles over plan on paying the ticket.. Defensive driving school only takes points off your doesn't take care of tickets in force..  I got a ticket in AR for $25.00 and I had to pay it and I know yours was much more than that..

  3. what are u doin

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