
Got a ticket in NY for going in between cars. If i go to court will they reduce my fine?.?

by  |  earlier

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please let me know if you are from NY . because other states might be different.

I was going in between cars with my motorcycle.




  1. Usually if you go in and admit to it and ask for leniency they will give you a break.  I've gotten speeding tickets reduced to non-moving violations in this way.

  2. You're wrong about it being legal in "most other states", splitting lanes is illegal in every state but California, according to Wikipedia.

    Generally, fighting tickets like speeding can work because it's not black and white - they can reduce it, but this offense is black and white - either you did it or not. I would guess you won't gain anything by fighting it, but perhaps you can make the argument that you had lived it California (if you did), maybe they'll believe you and take it into consideration. If you did live there, bring some evidence of that so that you are more believable.

    Good luck - but don't do it again!

  3. Failure to yield, failure to obey traffic control device, failure to maintain lane, are all crimes & you should be beheaded. Throw your self on the mercy of the inqusition and they will make your execution as swift as possible.

    I suspect if you speak with the prosecuting attorney or whatever, that you'll plead guilty if they will make a recommendation to make the fine as minimal as possible. They don't have to even talk w/ you. But, it's worth a try.

  4. i didnt know they could give you ticket for switching lanes

  5. The judge will probably just tell you how stupid you are, and increase the fine.

  6. This is just like any ticket, you need to explain to the judge why you did it and if this was your first time then ask for defensive driving because I found this that your ticket would fall under for the sate of New York.

    Passing improperly, changing lanes unsafely, 3 Points and Fine.

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