
Got an email saying i won Lottery E-games award,true??

by  |  earlier

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the email is almost like this:


You have won a prize money of €400,000 (Four Hundred

Thousand Euros) for the Month of July, 2008. Your email

address was drawn on our Random Computer Ballot System.This Lottery E-games award was organized by IT companies worldwide in a bid to compensate internet users like you.

... ...

You are to contact the claims agent with the following

details for the release of your winnings.

... ...

i mean..does the e-lottery things really existed??

is that email true?




  1. sorry sweetie it is fake

    they want to scam you for something is real and legal

  2. It's spam.  Anything that sends you a message through e-mail telling you that you won the lottery, the foreign lottery, the UK lottery is a scam.  Just spam it and delete it.

  3. No, and don't go to the website.

    If you already did then run a virus scan.

  4. No. It doesn't. It's a scam!! Do you remember entering anything. No, because you didn't your information was sold and now you're getting scams which put Malware on your computer. Run a virus scan if you already visited the website.

  5. It's a SCAM!! so be careful. Some have viruses too.  If it's too good to be true, most of the time it is.

  6. No that is not true. Don't trust the internet.

  7. it's a SCAM!

  8. I think its spam I mean come on its bull.

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