
Got an offer from Citigroup Bank of Nigeria PLC, stating me to join them asap and asking me to pay for immi?

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Got an offer from Citigroup Bank of Nigeria PLC, stating me to join them asap and asking me to pay for immi?




  1. It is a scam. DO NOT respond.

  2. itz a scam. don't send any money.

  3. This is such an old scam. FBI calls it the Nigeria 419 scam. Do not respond to ANYTHING from Nigeria. All they want is your bank account number so they can clean you out!

    They usually offer some sob story about being a relative of a former govt. official. They have been booted out of Nigeria and can't return, blah blah. They have MILLIONS of dollars, but need YOUR help to access it. And they always promise to give you a large amount of $$$$$$. Very tempting isn't it. They're thieves. Stay away.

  4. Nigeria is a  common source of internet scams .

    No legitemate company will ask you to PAY them in order to

    employ you.They like to capitalize on the reputatio of

    American to make it big with little or no effort .Be Vewy vewy


  5. Don't you know that is SPAM and SCAM


  6. Send your money to Nigeris ! That is a really smart thing to do ! Ha Ha Ha ! You must be a damned genius !

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