
Got another for you, How do you feel about Carly's Mom. When Susan Smith said she was car jacked by a blackman

by Guest65766  |  earlier

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at a red light in that spot (that spot not having a red light) dont you think we put to much on the color of a persons skin. Look at the "Hi-jackers" of the world trade center planes Oshma hand pick those who's color would get them on these flights the only one who was stopped was a darker skinned man. Think about it.




  1. This matter has already been dealt with by the courts... and using race in describing a criminal suspect is not implicitly racist.  It would be the same as describing the person as blond, black, or brunette colored hair.  All racial (mind you, I said RACIAL, not RACIST) characteristics are fair game when describing criminal suspects.

    Have a polite day.

  2. When a crime is committed, you need to give the skin color.  If it is a white male, say white male.  If it is a black male, say black male.

    As for hand-picking the hijackers, they weren't black because most middle eastern Muslims are not black.  In fact, when I think of a plane hijacker, I don't think of a black man at all.  Black men are stereotypically known to carry guns and commit crimes on the ground, not in the air.

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