
Got any ghost stories?????

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Have you ever had any creepy expieriences with ghosts???? Tell me your story.

btw-how do you open your third eye??




  1. This is a true story, which occurred a few years ago.  I was driving home late one night, in my home town of Vancouver.  Just before I got onto the highway, I saw an individual by the side of the road, dressed unusually in a flowing dark gown of some kind.  It was the clothing that attracted my attention to him.  As I drove pass him, our eyes locked, and I got a sudden chill.  Not that his face was demonic but his features had an un-holy quality to it.

    I sped away onto the highway, and thought that was a weird guy.  

    Then maybe 10 minutes later, as I exiting the highway, I saw that same individual again by the side of the road.  Of course there was no way that he could have been where I saw him first, got onto a car, drove 10 minutes, and then waited for me again by the side of the road.  We again locked eyes as I drove by and I felt totally unclean.

    I stepped on my gas and sped away as fast as I can.

    I don't know why this happened, or was it just my imagination (i.e. it was really two separate individuals and the rest was just a coincidence)

    I guess this is not a true ghost story, but creepy nevertheless.

  2. I do about me.

    My sister was brushing her hair in the bathroom and suddenly she heard loud breathing. Every time she would stand still to listen, it would stop. She just started to ignore it, though.

    When my oldest sister was little (my Great Grandmother had died by then and we had called her Nanny when she was alive), she talked alot, and my mom came in, and she was talking to no one. My mom asked her who she was talking to, and my sister said "Nanny".

    At my old beach house, we were lying in bed. My parents were asleep, and so was one of the two sisters I had then.

    The other sister and I were lying in my parents bed when we heard foot steps coming up the stairs. It was really freaky.

    We were at my old beach house like before, and everyone was asleep accept for me, and my two sisters, and my cousin. We were all sitting upstairs in one room, and we heard the downstairs door open an close. It was really scary.

    I also have a book of ghost stories. Here are some links of sites that have other stories, and stuff like that

    I hope I helped! You can look at other stories like that on the site. ♥

  3. to tell u the truth i donot believe in ghost at all because at first the were not called that over ppl just started calling them ghost. i believe in spirits and i have encountered one so hasd my parents my parents have seen one and its nothing nice. as for me i have not seen one and donot want to c one.

  4. nope

  5. old story! ........

    there was this babysitter who was baby sitting these two children for the night.

    When it was late and the kids were in bed the phone rang; she answered thinking it was the parents of the kids.

    "see saw see saw" was all she heard on the other end of the phone, in a soft creepy voice. She hung up, thinking it was a prank.

    about 15 min later the phone rang. she answered. "see saw see saw". "who is this" she demanded but they hung up.

    She got this call about 3 more times every 30 mins. The last phone call she answered "Who is this, i'm calling the cops!"..."out the front" was all she got from this other person. She was completly freaked out at this time....but she went to the front door turned on the outside light and opened the door.

    There out the front of the house was a man standing at the front gate with his arms outstretched to the side, slowly raising them up and down at different times, the heads of the two children in his hands "see saw see saw"  

  6. yes many times, i was at my room one day and i was only with my lil sister and me at home and then i hear creepy sounds coming from the bathroom, it was SCARY!!!

  7. I don't know if you would consider this a ghost story or not, but. Here it is.

    This is a TRUE story.

    I was on my computer late at night, and I heard a "clack" sound in my kitchen, as if a framed picture was being put on a hard glossy surface. My parents were asleep, and I have no siblings living in my house at that time. All the doors were locked, all the lights off. I walked into my kitchen to find a picture of Virgin Mary on my counter. I have never seen the picture before, nor my parents. It's still a mystery to me today. I don't know if it was a good sign, or what, but I'm creeped out.

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