
Got any good combacks if a girl calls you.....?

by  |  earlier

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suicidal(which am not) or because you go to IEP Classes(special classes because you are bad at english and your in grade 8 and in a grade 5 level in IEP)

what would you say




  1. call her an anorexic b__ch

  2. Say....Smile and say, "whatever, psycho".  ;)  Something equally as stupid that you also don't have any background to warrant the insult.  People HATE being called psycho - it's the worst.  Too funny.

  3. i would say, " no, you got it wrong. I'm homicidal"

  4. just roll your eyes and be like "wow, seriously"

  5. Just say THATS RIGHT! To everything mean she calls you. Then she'll get bored of it.

  6. say...."well....IF i was suicidal.....its cuz i saw your ugly *** face.....

    and dont even think about sayin anything about me agin before you get

    that ugly *** face of yours hit!

    and if she says anything back.........then say...." why dont you go get hit by a truck you ugly *** troll!"

    and dont worry about the whole english thing......i went to russia in 9th grade and the whole time i thought they were saying wats up.........they were calling me a stupid american......i lived there for 2 years without even knowing it.

    just look at them and say......."i may not be to good at certain things.......but at least I dont need plastic surgery to fix that "thing" you call a face!"

  7. for the suicidal part :

    "oh, you didn't hear? Everyone's that way since you came around. I mean, do you have mirrors in your house?"

    for the special classes part:

    "atleast its better than the boom boom your dumb a.s.s is thrown in."

  8. How does it make your suicidal because your in a lower class then them? Ingore her shes ignorant and your better then them. If it continues go to a teacher and tell her about it.

  9. Ignore the girl and report her. That's a good comeback. Suspension~  LOL.

  10. does she think you hate ur life?

    Id say I dont hate my life even though its clear youd be happier off if I did. Id say you are a nasty little bi***ch and what a fu***king weird insult...cant u come up with anything a bit more, y'know...upsetting? if you think u can upset me you pathetic weird little stalker!!

    What a loser!

    tell her she has an ugly as**s nose! and that you heard some boys laughing about it!

    If she asks you which ones, which she might do to see if ur making it up, dont say ones in your year, in case she asks them about it and they blow ur game.

    Say its so bad that even the boys in the yr above have noticed.......oh......and they call her "thunder thighs" too

    U could add in a few details like..."they were walking past the tennis courts laughing".



  11. Go to your guidance counselor and tell him/her that you're being harassed for being in special ed.  That'll take care of it.

  12. tell her to  leave u alone fo she get slapped!

  13. say:

    Shut up you anerexic w***e!!!!


  14. i would be like well if i was suicidal i would be dead by now and/or if i was suicidal the only reason i would be was because i know you haha slap that ***** silly

    good luck<3

  15. i do, but I would get a violation if I cursed on here.

  16. i'd'm not suicidal.. I am DYING to know how you manage to go through life with such a crappy personality though

  17. Say, "well u must be homicidal then cuz ur face is killin' meh!"

    haha thats what i would say.

  18. Tell her shut the f-ck up and then tell a guidance counselor

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