
Got any secrets to better feul economy?

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I have a new 2008 Suzuki SX4. Say what you like but its economical, reliable transportation and besides that its a ton of fun to drive.

I commute with it (all highway use, no stop & go) and already have over 9000 miles on it in less than 4 months. The fuel economy is only 26.1 per gallon. I thought it might improve when it got broke in but it hasn't. I read some reviews by other owners and they say the same thing. I think that the 2.0 ltr. 4 cyl. should do better than that.

Anyone know if something like a K&M air filter system or something like it would help? Maybe premium fuel?




  1. You might have some luck with the K&N but not with premium fuel. Keep the tires inflated properly, drive with a light foot on the gas, no jackrabbit starts, try to drive a constant speed without speeding up and slowing down, avoid heavy slow or stop and go traffic if you can. There's no secrets, just common sense and good driving behavior.

  2. I have cleaned out the trunk of the car, I keep the windows closed, and run the fan to cool the air, and avoid drag. Since I do mostly city driving, I now drive 25 miles or less in the right lane in the 35 mile zones. If I have to be o time, i give myself a lot more time to get there, and on the way back it does not matter when I get home, I then drive even slower.With the price of Fuel at $3.39 I do not need a speeding  citation. The officer sat there in  the drive observing this slow traffic following me, there is another lane for the ones that need to be there on time. They can pass all thay want.

  3. None of those things are going to help.  There are a lot of rumors out there that doing this or that will magically get your car to go further on a gallon of gas, but it's just not true.  The only way to get more fuel economy is to reduce the weight on your car (remove unnecessary things from the trunk), drive slowly (60 mph is usually optimal for fuel economy) and use cruise control, and the ultimate, just drive less.

  4. Those air filters are not going to do anything. And unless premium fuel is recommended in the owner's manual, you're just going to be wasting money. Do simple things like making sure the tires are properly inflated and taking any excess weight out of the car.

  5. k&n air filter...  I put them in all my vehicles, to give them more air flow, better performance, and better gas millage... and lifetime warranty!

    I drive around 700 miles per week and with k&n filters I always see between 4-8 miles more per gallon increase.

  6. Gadgets usually don't work,   except to make the seller rich.  

    The best way to increase your economy is with your driving habits.  

    1.     Long slow,  smooth acceleration,   punching the throttle is wasteful.     2.     Slow down,  after 55-60,  wind drag starts to take away economy.    The faster you go,  the more wasteful.

    3.     Look far ahead and plan ahead.   Avoid having to use the brake any more than necessary,   when traffic starts to back up way up there,  coast in.

    4.     No idling.    No drive thru,   no  letting it run while waiting on your sister.   It doesn't matter what your vehicle,   your mpg when idling is "0".    Zilch,  nada,  none.

    5.    Don't tailgate.   Following too closely makes it harder to see ahead and  places control of your vehicle in the hands of others.   You can't plan ahead,  it is harder to merge,  others have to cut in sharply causing you to have to brake and scrub off the speed you spent good fuel to get.

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