
Got any tips on serving a volleyball overhand?

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i've been playing volleyball for 3 years and i cant seem to get the volleyball over the net overhand

i've heard: throw the ball up high and follow through, but when i do that it just goes down

have any other tips??




  1. okay well first. you have to have a powerful hit. and to make it over the net you have to hit it just right. good tecnique also helps alot. you throw the ball up and when you step forward make contact with the ball and if you hit it correctly it will go over. Its not going to go over the first time you try, it takes alot of practice. Practice makes perfect.!

  2. throw the ball straight up...dont throw too high...hit hard...follow lots of push ups and start lifting weights if u cant get it over the net.

  3. I have very resently gotten my serve.

    First, I know that you have probably heard how to toss. Your toss should be IN FRONT of you. If the ball is too far above your head, you are basically just fly-swatting it. Make sure that the ball would land in front of your foot if you didnt hit it. Another thing is to palm the target. When you serve the ball, create a good target and hit the ball so that when you hit the ball, your hand is extended high in front of you towards your target. Make sure that you do not slap at the ball.

  4. overhand serves can be tough. and the tips you've heard are good and its what you need to be doing.  you have to have the strength to hit it also. make sure you have the potential to make it go foward. you can hit the ball flat handed or with your palm. or find out what kind of hits are illegal in your league, and if its not illegal, try it out.

  5. throw the ball in the air and hit it with your hand over the net!!!!

  6. In middle school. The first year we played, our coach told us we only could serve overhand and i mean we had to sit there and do 25 serves on each side and if we didnt make it over we had to run 5 laps and we never lifted weights or anything, but i do have good arm strength. You DONT throw it too far in the ground and if it is going down you follow through but put your hand towards the ground and you need to make sure not to hit it in front of your chest. You need to hit it between the highest spot you can reach and between your face. Make sure you keep your eye on the ball and follow through. Try throwing the ball up and hitting it towards a wall.

    Hope this will help. I got the serve on  the first year but yet again we had too or we got in Big trouble.

  7. If you are right handed:

    1) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, left foot slightly ahead of your right foot.

    2) Hold the ball in your left hand, with your arm stretched out in front of you level with the ground.  

    3) Toss the ball up over your head gently, not too high.  The ball should actually be in front of you about 1 foot, not directly over your head.  

    4)  Hit the ball with your open palm of your hand held firmly,  not so much with your fingers.  The ball should bounce off your hand.  Don't hit the ball with just the heel of your hand - you won't be able to aim or control the ball.  You need to hit it with your whole palm.  It is just like hitting a spike, but without jumping.  Step into the hit with your right leg as you hit the ball.

    5)  Don't try to hit it too hard.  Just hit it so it makes it over the net.  It is more importlant to make it over the net and in bounds, than it is to try to kill the ball and serve an ace, and end up not getting the serve over or hitting it out of bounds.

    6)  Keep practicing!

  8. sounds like you need to hit the weight room.

  9. well that is good advice, just be sure you hit the ball around the bottom, so it goes up rather than down.  To add to that just take a deep breath, throw the ball up (not too high), take a step forward, and hit the ball with the palm of your hand.  And if you aren't comfortable with that use your fist, but you have almost no control over the ball if you do that.  You can always practice these different ways at home or practice to see what works best for you.  Best of luck.

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