
Got back from MEPS. Leaven in two weeks. Advice please.

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Yeah so MEPS sucked. I didn't score what I expected. I thought I would get a solid 45-50. Well I scored a 32 because I rushed it. Advice to young recruits- don't rush anything on the ASVAB!

Its ok though, the job I really wanted was infantry and it just so happen happend that they had 1 slot open left. so its not like it screwed up my job oppertunity.

I have two questions:

1. will my ASVAB score haunt me through my US. Army carrer? Will it determin my chances for Airborne,Ranger,ect. I want Airborne forsure.

2. Can anyone give me solid advice for Fort Benning Georgia?




  1. it will restrict you, but after a week you can take it again. but it wont matter till after basic anyways. actually till after osut. watch out for the sand fleas in georgia! they are rough!

  2. Did you qualify for a bonus?  I know when I enlisted (three years ago) that I had to score a 50 or higher on the ASVAB in order to get a bonus.  The score will negatively affect you if you want to do certain schooling in the Army.  I am a 13 Bravo, so I don't know about Infantry OSUT.  Good luck.

  3. The ASVAB score is only good for 2 years, after 2 years you can retake if you wish to cross MOS.

    Don't worry about it, and good luck! Also sometimes you will have to take additional tests depending on what other MOS you would like to have.  

  4. Yes a low ASVAB can keep you from some jobs. You can however retake your ASVAB later.

  5. Dont be first, dont be last and never ever volunteer for anything.  Besides that drink water change your socks and if your injured rub dirt on the wound you will be fine.  

    Seriously though pushup, chinups, situps and running.  You want to be an Airborne Ranger?  I hope you can and far. Ruck marches little sleep.... and Drill Sergeants they are god's special creatures dont under any circumstances call them sir because they will explain to you that they work for a living while you are in the front leaning rest. You dont need to bring anything, the military will give you everything you need in basic including an advance pay to buy stationary, phone cards, soap and other essential items when I went through it was $200.00 on an eagle cash card.  Enjoy your time on sand hill because once it is done you will miss it.

    "Why is the blue sky blue? Because God loves the infantry".


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