
Got braces today, Sure hope it gets better as far as the pain goes, i hate knowing its going to feel like this

by Guest10834  |  earlier

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for two years, ouch? i admit im a weenie.




  1. Haha. You're not a weenie!

    They really hurt!

    But the pain doesn't last for more than a week and as the days go on it lessens.

    Cold and soft foods are your friends!

    How about some ibuprofen or tylenol or other pain killers?

  2. trust me the pain only lasts for the first couple of weeks, after that you get used to the feel of the braces in your mouth.

    you'll be fine, dont worry!

  3. it will go away like in about 2-3 days no worries

    two or more years actually

    thats what they all say

    they told me two years

    and it almost gonna be 3 years


  4. dont worry u'll get used to it. and also eat a lot of ice cream it makes it a lot better and freezes your mouth. :)

  5. you'll hardly know you have them b4 long. they will only hurt when you have them tightened. it takes a few days to get use to them.

  6. ohh yes trust me it is goin to get better the pain is only there for like 2 weeks not the whole 2 years lol u will get use to it by then and u wil feel normail like nothings there hurting right now its only cuz ur teeth wernt use to having anything on them and well now they do. but dont worry like i said it goes away (: but for now what u can do is eat soft foods like soups apple sause bannans and drink cold  drink like smoothies and shakes and ice cold water that really helps too

  7. give it a week it will be way better.

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