I recently went to a California State Beach and a person who is my friend's friend brought alcohol in glass containers. The dumb girl was holding the bottle in the air in plain site. I was some weak 5% alcohol. No one admitted guilt so he asked for our driver's license from 3 people. I was the obvious target as once I handed him the license he stopped asking for the others. I did not bring the alcohol! Unfortunately I was holding an empty cup of alcohol, but I did not know there was alcohol in it and have already drank it all once I showed it to the cop. I have no idea why he said he smelled alcohol, it was a 5% alcohol and sweet, which I thought was soda.
I did not admit guilt and I am now required to go to court. The court is in Watsonville, CA and is a 1 hour drive from my house... Considering the time it takes to get there and back and skip work for one day I don't know if I should go to court or just pay the fine.
How can I get out of this?
Which option do you think is better?
Will witnesses ,who are my friends, be able to testify?